What I've learnt about Websites

What I've learnt about Websites

You can create cool static websites with these frameworks, and also with Remix.

Which frameworks?


I mean, with HUGO, Astro, NodeJS, jekyll…

And if you are new to Websites, do it (The Web Deployment) with Github Pages to get a free subdomain with it.

If you come from a Data Analytics domain and this sounds too far out of reach. You are wrong.

I discovered static sites thanks to using first Flexdashboards in R language.

These dashboards are consolidated into “just” html information, like static sites.

And you bet they are cool and functional.

Important Files for all Webs 📌

Look always for the <head> - It will guide you to a Base.astro, BaseLayout.astro, head.html

In there you can do interesting things, like adding web analytics.

Features that most likely you will want to add to a Website:

  1. Pre-Requisites: Fast and Secure (SSL, https)
  2. Search: Pagefind, FuseJS,…
  3. Scheduled Posts:
  4. Internationalization?
  5. A CDN?
  6. APIs: Forms, Newsletters, email marketing
How to get OpenGraph - OGImage right 📌

What Ive Learnt about Astro

Astro Setup once and for all
How to Install Dependencies 📌

checking dependencies

npm list @astrojs/starlight
npm install @astrojs/starlight
npm install @astrojs/starlight --legacy-peer-deps #if you have some dep issues
Better SEO for Astro 📌
  • Seo Package for astro:
import { AstroSeo } from '@astrolib/seo';

as in the Minimal Studio Theme by michael-andreuzza

WebSearch in Astro 📌

as in the withastro/starlight Theme

one of the most complete Astro themes ive seen - also supporting several languages

Optimized images in Astro 📌

You will need astrojs/mdx installed first and use it within .mdx files:

import { Image } from 'astro:assets'

import photopost1b from '../../assets/image.jpg';

  <Image src={photopost1b} width={500} height={200} alt="Exploring Astro Images" />
  <figcaption class="caption">Say hi to Astro</figcaption>

Tweaking HUGO Themes

HUGO is great.

The HUGO Setup was the first SSG that I could get working back in the days.

HUGO Themes I Like📌

If you are using HUGO, embedd your images with this shortcode

You can also embed GISTS with this shortcode

Remember that shortcodes are .html files to be placed at /themes/theme_name/layouts/shortcodes/gist_file.html

Just use it like so in your markdown ,example with the gist:

  • First parameter (jalcocert): This is the GitHub username or organization that owns the Gist.
  • Second parameter (879fecd6ae9bccaa0175d1c180a032cd): This is the unique Gist ID.
  • Third parameter (“RStocks - PayoutRatioEvolution.JPG”): This is the specific file within the Gist that you want to load.
How to Include Search to SSGs 📌
PageFind with AstroVisVRS/AstroVerse Example
FuseJS with AstroAstroEngineeringBlog Example
FuseJS with HUGOAstroEngineeringBlog Example
GhostCompose Overview
How to add ads.txt to HUGO 📌
  1. Create an ads.txt file in your Hugo project’s static directory. The static folder in Hugo is where you put any files you want to be copied directly to the root of your build output.

  2. Add your content to the ads.txt file:

   google.com, pub-123456, DIRECT, abcdef123456
  1. Build your Hugo site:

  2. Verify the output by checking the public directory (Hugo’s default output folder). You should find the ads.txt file in the root of public:

  3. Deploy your site as usual. The ads.txt file should now be available at https://yourdomain.com/ads.txt.

This method ensures that ads.txt is part of your site’s root directory in the final build output, as required by ad networks.

Firebase Custom Domain

HUGO with Github Pages & CICD

Its very important to know the HUGO Version that makes the theme work.

Laos when you are using Github Actions Workflow.

The workflow configures the base path to work properly as per your repo name

This Hextra Theme, as it is, for example, runs fine with v0.117.0:

hugo v0.117.0-b2f0696cad918fb61420a6aff173eb36662b406e+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2023-08-07T12:49:48Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

But not with higher versions like v0.124.

Setup HUGO properly!


Select a SSG

Choose the SSG (Hugo, Astro,…) And find/create a theme you like

Tweak the Theme and Build

Tweak the theme so that it looks even better!

Make sure that the preview works

Local build and last check

cd public
python3 -m http.server 8099 #8000

npm install -g http-server
http-server -p 8000

Select the Deployment Method

There are few alternatives to host a static website:

See a benchmark of Static Hosting

Free SSG Deployment 📌
  • With Firebase, the Free Tier allows for up to 10GB for ppl to download your content.
    • Per month, and at least at the time of writing. This might (or not) change.
#npm install -g firebase-tools
#firebase login

firebase init #configure files for firebase hosting / public directory is normall public for HUGO and dist for Astro/nodes
firebase deploy #you will get something like -> https://jalcocertech.web.app/

Get Better at Webs

  1. https://stateofjs.com/en-US
  1. Web Analytics: you have several options, with Umami or Tianji as alternatives to Google Analytics.
Some CSS will do the Trick. As well as JS libraries like: PhotoSwipe,…
Examples of People Doing Cool Stuff 📌

Setup a Static CMS

There are many alternatives! /blog/cms-for-static-websites

  1. https://github.com/payloadcms/payload


Check that the SiteMap Works 📌
#curl -s https://example.com/sitemap.xml -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n"
curl -s https://jalcocertech.xyz/sitemap.xml -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" #200 means its there!
curl -s https://cyclingthere.com/sitemap.xml -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n"
curl -s https://cyclingthere.com/sitemap-index.xml -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" #its here!
curl -s https://iotechcrafts.com/sitemap.xml -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" 

curl -s https://fossengineer.com/sitemap.xml -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" #hugo paper mod has it

#optional - check robots.txt
curl -s https://jalcocertech.xyz/robots.txt | grep -i sitemap #look for sitemap direction
curl -s https://iotechcrafts.com/robots.txt | head -n 10 #see the first 10 lines

#example of path with robots
curl -s https://bachatafests.com/sitemap.xml -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n"
curl -s https://bachatafests.com/robots.txt | head -n 10 #see the first 10 lines
curl -s https://bachatafests.com/robots.txt | grep -i sitemap #look for sitemap direction
curl -s https://bachatafests.com/sitemap_index.xml -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n"

Search for any references to a sitemap URL within the robots.txt file.

If found sth, you can use that URL to check for the sitemap instead

How to Optimize Web Images - WebP 📌

You need markdown for these SSGs - https://github.com/Cveinnt/LetsMarkdown.com

docker run --rm -dp 3030:3030 cveinnt/letsMarkdown

Is my website performing well?

  1. https://pagespeed.web.dev/
  1. https://trends.google.es/trends/

  2. https://www.websitecarbon.com/

  3. https://github.com/Lissy93/web-check

MIT | 🕵️‍♂️ All-in-one OSINT tool for analysing any website

  1. See how a linkshortener see your site: https://dub.co/

CDN and Videos for your Website

  1. https://github.com/orthdron/subatic - Extremely simple video hosting Site that scales with you

Interesting Search Engines

It’s worth to try few of them - not all the content is indexed in the same way across engines

Thanks to Ecosia I could find how to add Web Analytics to the Jekyll Chirpy Theme!

Enhancing a Site

  1. Comments - https://blog.cavelab.dev/2022/01/comments-again/

Other Software to Create a Page

Does all of this sounds too complex for the first website?

Then, Try with:

Choosing Colors for a Web

Favicon Creation

For regular ICONS, iconify is a great place to start.

Universal icon framework. One syntax for FontAwesome, Material Design Icons, DashIcons, Feather Icons, EmojiOne, Noto Emoji and many other open source icon sets (over 150 icon sets and 200k icons). SVG framework, React, Vue and Svelte components!

Or with:

MIT | beautifully crafted animated icons

ISC | Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community. Open-source project and a fork of Feather Icons.

When you will need proper FAVICONS:

About favicons 📌

as in the withastro/starlight Theme or Pacamara

Images for Web

Discovered thanks to the Hextra theme

  • Real Fav Icon Generator 😍 and place in the the proper folder (where the default icons are on your Theme).

  • Cool FavIcon with: https://favicon.io/favicon-converter/ - You can upload an image, then you will get the favicon.ico and other artifacts to make the web icons look amazing in any device.

  1. go to the theme folder
  2. add a /static folder
  3. add the files generated with the website

The Small Web